

Email: wfwang@gzu.edu.cn


1. 研究领域与方向




2. 学习与工作经历






3. 学术任职及科研学术活动

主要从事流域碳循环与大坝拦截对生源要素拦截及其环境效应研究,目前Water Research, Journal of Hydrology, Science of the Total Environment等期刊发表SCI论文20余篇。此外,多次参加相关的国内外学术会议并作口头汇报,担任Water Research, Journal of Hydrology, Science of the Total Environment, Environmental Research Letters等期刊审稿人。

4. 5年主持和参与的主要科研项目

[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目:喀斯特周期性热分层水库碳运移及其潜在碳汇效应(42203061)30万元,2023.01-2025.12,在研,主持;

[2] 贵州省自然科学基金一般项目:典型喀斯特周期性热分层水库下泄水CO2排放控制机制及环境效应研究(ZK[2023]063),10万元,2023.01-2025.12,在研,主持

[3] 伟德国际1946源于英国一流学科特区人才引进项目,40万元,2021.09-2024.09在研,主持

[4]  2023年度贵州省水利厅科研项目(KT202311)35万元,2023.07-2025.07研,技术负责

[5] 天津市研究生创新项目:乌江梯级水库群温室气体排放机制探究(2019YJSB183), 2019.10-2021.05已结题,主持

[6] 国家重点研发计划:中国西南河流拦截对域碳氮循环和输送的影响及其效应评估研究2016YFA06010022800万,2016.07-2021.06已结题,参与

[7] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年项目, “青藏高原东缘山地小流域有机碳的来源及转化机制研究 (41803007) 2019.01-2021.12已结题,参与

[8] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 42173013, 冰川流域风化过程对气候条件变化的响应机制研究,2022-01-01 2025-12-31, 61万元, 在研, 参与

[9] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 42071142, 乌江南源三岔河流域河流水-气界面CO2交换速率及其效应评估, 2021-01-01 2024-12-31, 55万元, 在研, 参与

[10] 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 41971123, 天津滨海自然和人工湿地元素耦合生物地球化学循环的对比研究, 2020-01-01 2023-12-31, 61万元, 在研, 参与

5. 学术成果:代表性学术论文

[1] Wan-Fa Wang., Si-Liang Li*., Jun Zhong., Yuanbi, Yi., Fujun Yue., Zenglei Han., Qi-Xin Wu., Ding He., Cong-Qiang Liu. 2024. Unraveling the factors influencing CO2 emissions from hydroelectric reservoirs in karst and non-karst regions: A comparative analysis. Water Research 248. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2023.120893 (Nature index期刊,IF:12.6)

[2] Wenhong Shi., Wan-Fa Wang*., Shengde Yu., Li Liang., Jun Zhong., Yuanbi Yi., Si-Liang Li., 2024. Influences of hydrodynamics on dissolved inorganic carbon in deep subtropical reservoir: Insights from hydrodynamic model and carbon isotope analysis. Water Research 250. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2023.121058 (Nature index期刊,IF:12.6)

[3] Wenfen Zhang., Wanfa Wang*, Jun Zhong, Sainan Chen, Yuanbi Yi, Xiaohang Xu., Shuai Chen, Si-Liang Li. Carbon sequestration and decreased CO2 emission caused by biological carbon pump effect: insights from diel hydrochemical variations in subtropical karst reservoirs. Journal of Hydrology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.130909.(一区,TOP期刊)

[4] Wan-Fa Wang., Jun Zhong*., Si-Liang Li., Ulloa-Cedamanos F., Sen Xu., Sainan Chen., Manting Lai, Sheng Xu., 2023. Constraining the sources and cycling of dissolved inorganic carbon in an alpine river, eastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Science of The Total Environment 901, 166262. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.166262.(一区,TOP期刊)

[5] Wan-Fa Wang, Si-Liang Li*, Jun Zhong, Stephanie Slowinski, Shuhuan Li, Cai Li, Jing Su, Yuanbi Yi, Kejun Dong, Sheng Xu, Philippe Van Cappellen, Cong-Qiang Liu. 2022. Carbonate mineral dissolution and photosynthesis-induced precipitation regulate inorganic carbon cycling along the karst river-reservoir continuum, SW China. Journal of Hydrology, 615, 128621. DOI:10.1016.j.jhydrol.2022.128621.(一区,TOP期刊)

[6] Wan-Fa Wang, Si-Liang Li*, Jun Zhong, Li-Chun Wang, Hong Yang, Hua-Yun Xiao, Cong-Qiang Liu. 2021. CO2 emissions from karst cascade hydropower reservoirs: Mechanisms and reservoir effect. Environmental Research Letters. 16, 044013. DOI: 10.1088.1748-9326.abe962.(二区,TOP期刊)

[7] Wan-Fa Wang, Si-Liang Li*, Jun Zhong, Stephen C Maberly, Cai Li, Fu-Shun Wang, Hua-Yun Xiao, Cong-Qiang Liu. 2020. Climatic and anthropogenic regulation of carbon transport and transformation in a karst river-reservoir system. Science of the Total Environment, 707, 135628. DOI:10.1016.j.scitotenv.2019.135628.(一区,TOP期刊)

[8] Wan-Fa Wang#, Yuan-Bi Yi#, Jun Zhong*, Amit Kumar, Si-Liang Li. 2020. Carbon biogeochemical processes in a subtropical karst river–reservoir system. Journal of Hydrology, 591. DOI: 10.1016.j.jhydrol.2020.125590.(共同一作)(一区,TOP期刊)

[9] Wan-Fa Wang, Si-Liang Li*, Jun Zhong, Cai Li, Yuan-Bi Yi, Sai-Nan Chen, Yi-Meng Ren. 2019. Understanding transport and transformation of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in the reservoir system using δ13CDIC and water chemistry. Journal of Hydrology. 574, 193-201. DOI:10.1016.j.jhydrol.2019.04.036.(一区,TOP期刊)

[10] 王万发, 钟君*, 李彩, 易沅壁, 陈赛男, 陈率, 郎赟超, 李思亮. 2019.喀斯特地区梯级水库建造对水化学分布影响探究[J].湖泊科学, 32(3): 713-725. DOI: 10. 18307.2020. 0311. (EI, CSCD)

[11] Jun Zhong., Linan Wang., Caracausi A., Galy A., Si-Liang Li*.,Wan-Fa Wang., Maoliang Zhang , Cong‐Qiang Liu, Guo‐Ming Liu, Sheng Xu*., 2023. Assessing the Deep Carbon Release in an Active Volcanic Field using Hydrochemistry, d13CDIC and Δ14CDIC. J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023jg007435.

[12] Xingxing Cao., Qinxin Wu., Wan-Fa Wang., Pan, Wu*., 2023. Carbon dioxide partial pressure and its diffusion flux in karst surface aquatic ecosystems: a review. Acta Geochimica. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11631-023-00625-7.

[13] Yuanbi Yi, Si-Liang Li*, Jun Zhong, Wan-Fa Wang, Sainan Chen, Hongyan Bao, Ding He. 2022. The influence of the deep subtropical reservoir on the karstic riverine carbon cycle and its regulatory factors: Insights from the seasonal and hydrological changes. Water Research, 226: 119267. DOI:10.1016.j.watres.2022.119267

[14] Jun Zhong*, Shuai Chen, Wan-Fa Wang, Ze-Long Yan, RM Ellam, Si-Liang Li*. 2020. Unravelling the hydrological effects on spatiotemporal variability of water chemistry in mountainous rivers from Southwest China. Hydrological Processes. DOI:10.1002.hyp.13980.

[15] Tingting Ma, Sen Xu, Jun Zhong*, Si-Liang Li, Shuai Chen, Wan-Fa Wang, Cong-Qiang Liu. 2023. Sulfuric acid weathering counteracts CO2 drawdown from silicate weathering in mountainous catchments from southwest China. Journal of Hydrology. DOI:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2023.129167.

[16]  Sai-Nan Chen, Fu-Jun Yue*, Xiao-Long Liu, Jun Zhong, Yuan-Bi Yi, Wan-Fa Wang, Yu-Lin Qi, Hua-Yun Xiao, Si-Liang Li. 2021. Seasonal variation of nitrogen biogeochemical processes constrained by nitrate dual isotopes in cascade reservoirs, Southwestern China. Environmental science and pollution research. DOI: 10.1007.s11356-021-12505-9.

[17] Shuai Chen, Jun Zhong*, Cai Li, Jing Liu, Wan-Fa Wang, Sen-Xu, Si-Liang Li. 2020. Coupled effects of hydrology and temperature on temporal dynamics of dissolved carbon in the Min River, Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Hydrology: 125641. DOI:10.1016.j.jhydrol.2020.125641.

[18] Jun Zhong, Marcus B. Wallin, Wan-Fa Wang, Si-Liang Li*, Laodong Guo, Kejun Dong, Rob M. Ellam, Cong-Qiang Liu, Sheng Xu. 2021. Synchronous Evaporation and Aquatic Primary Production in Tropical Rivers of Hainan Island. Water Research. DOI:10.1016.j.watres.2021.117272.

[19] Shuai Chen, Jun Zhong*, Lishan Ran, Wan-Fa Wang, Sen Xu, Ze-Long Yan, Si-Liang Li, Sheng Xu. Multiple controls on DIC and POC dynamics in mixed karst and non-karst mountainous rivers, Southwest China. Science of the Total Environment. DOI:10.1016.j.scitotenv.2021.148347

[20] 易沅壁, 王万发, 王宝利, 汪福顺, 李思亮. 2022. 中国西南喀斯特地区水库溶解态与颗粒态碳研究进展[J]. 地质科技通报, 41:341-346.

[21] 陈率, 钟君*, 李彩, 王万发, 徐森, 颜泽龙, 李思亮. 2020. 西南不同岩性混合小流域化学风化特征[J].生态学杂志, 39(04):1288-1299.

[22] 赖曼婷, 钟君*, 王万发, 易沅壁, 陈率, 徐胜. 2020. 白龙江溶解有机碳的空间分布、来源及其控制因素探究[J].地球与环境, 2020.

6. 学术成果:软著专利

[1] 王万发,李思亮,钟君,任奕蒙. 一种野外便携式水处理过滤装置, 实用新型专利,专利号: 202020198266.2.

[2] 王万发,李思亮,钟君,任奕蒙,易沅壁,陈赛男.一种真空过滤节能多接头转接装置,实用新型专利,专利号: 2020201981532.2.

[3] 王万发,李思亮.自然水体中溶解无机碳测定稳定碳同位素的前处理装置,实用新型专利,专利号: 202320101201.5.

[4] 王万发,杨瑜婧,张文凤,胡旋.离线测定水体中溶解有机碳稳定碳同位素的前处理装置,实用新型专利,专利号: 202320136525.2.

[5] 王万发,张文科,石文红.一种测定水体中温室气体浓度的前处理装置,实用新型专利,专利号: 202320136526.7.

7. 获奖及荣誉





