姓名:夏鹏 副教授,硕士研究生导师 邮箱:xp990691911@163.com | ![]() |
2、 学习与工作经历
担任天然气地球科学,Petroleum Science, Geological Journal, Energy Exploration & Exploitation, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, International Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, Geofluids等期刊审稿人
4. 科研教学及学术活动
5. 近年主持承担的主要科研项目
[1] Li Qingguang*, Ju Yiwen, Gu Shangyi, Wu Pan, Wu Linna, Xia Peng, Yu Kun, Gao Wei, Chang Xixi. Coalbed Methane Accumulation Indicated by Geochemical Evidences from Fracture-filling Minerals in Huaibei coalfield, East China. Geochemistry International, 2022, 60: 52-66.
[2] Zhao Lingyun, Zhou Peiming, Lou Yi, Zhao Youzhou, Liu Wei, Liao Zhiwei, Xia Peng*. Geochemical characteristics and sedimentary environment of the Upper Permian Longtan coal-series shale in Western Guizhou Province, South China. Geofluids, 2021. DOI: org/ 10.1155/2021/9755861.
[3] Fu Yong*, Wang Fuliang, Guo Chuan, Li Chao, Xia Peng. Re-Os geochronology of the Liuchapo Formation across the Ediacaran-Cambrian boundary of the Yangtze Block(South China). Journal of Earth Science, 2021, URL: https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/42.1788.P.20210508. 1436.008.html.
[4] Zhong Yi, Xia Peng*, Ning Shitan, Fu Yong, Li Qingguang, Yu Yin. Geochemical Characteristics and its geological application of over-mature Longmaxi shale gas in the northern Guizhou area, China. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2021, 14(18). DOI: 10.1007/s12517-021- 08191-z.
[5] 宁诗坦,夏鹏*,郝芳,田金强,钟毅,邹妞妞,付勇. 贵州牛蹄塘组黑色页岩岩相划分及岩相—沉积环境—有机质耦合关系. 天然气地球科学,2021,32(9):1297-1307.
[6] Xia Peng*, Fu Yong, Guo Chuan, Yang Zhen, Huang Jinqiang, Mou Yuliang. Shale Gas Reservoir Evaluation by Geophysical Measurements: A Case Study of The Upper Ordovician-Lower Silurian in the Fenggang Block, Northern Guizhou Province. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 2021, 95(4): 1310-1321.
[7] 付勇*,夏鹏,龙珍,张恭境,谯文浪,郭川,杨镇. 扬子地区震旦纪—寒武纪转折期大陆风化研究进展与展望. 地质论评,2021,67(4):1077-1094.
[8] Fu Yong*, Yang Zhen*, Li Chao, Xia Peng. Enrichment of Platinum Group Elements in Lower Cambrian Polymetallic Black Shale, SE Yangtze Block, China. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2021, 9: 651948.
[9] 付勇*,周文喜,王华建,谯文浪,叶云涛,江冉,王晓梅,苏劲,李迪,夏鹏. 黔北下寒武统黑色岩系的沉积环境与地球化学响应. 地质学报,2021,95(2),536-548.
[10] Yang Zhen*, Fu Yong, Fang Sijie, Xia Peng. Mineralization of the Xuejiping porphyry Cu deposit, Western Yunnan, China: Constraints from magmatic oxidization and source. Geological Journal, 2020, 55(9): 6412-6426.
[11] Li Kunjie*, Kong Shaoqi, Xia Peng, Wang Xiaoling. Microstructural characterisation of organic matter pores in coal-measure shale. Advances in Geo-Energy Research, 2020, 4(4): 372-391.
[12] Xia Peng*, Li Hongnan, Fu Yong, Qiao Wenlang, Guo Chuan, Yang Zhen, Huang Jinqiang, Mou Yuliang. Effect of Lithofacies on pore structure of the Cambrian organic-rich shale in northern Guizhou, China. Geological Journal, 2021, 56: 1130-1142.
[13] Xia Peng, Fu Yong*, Yang Zhen, Guo Chuan, Huang Jinqiang, Huang Mingyong. Relationship between sedimentary environment and organic matter accumulation of Niutitang black shale in Zhenyuan, Northern Guizhou. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 2019, 93(supp. 2): 323-324.
[14] 夏鹏*,曾凡桂,宋晓夏,孙蓓蕾,孟艳军,闫涛滔. 山西古交矿区煤层气组成特征及成因探讨. 煤炭学报,2019,44(9):2824-2832.
[15] 夏鹏*,付勇,杨镇,郭川,黄金强,黄明勇. 黔北镇远牛蹄塘组黑色页岩沉积环境与有机质富集关系. 地质学报,2020,94(3):947-956.
[16] 夏鹏,曾凡桂,宋晓夏. 西山煤田古交矿区煤层气富集规律及产能主控因素研究. 青岛:中国石油大学出版社,2018.