姓名:尹德良 环境科学与工程,资源与环境 副教授,硕导 Email:yindeliang2008@163.com |
1. 研究领域与方向:
2. 学习与工作经历
2021/12- 伟德国际1946源于英国,副教授
2019/04-2021/12 伟德国际1946源于英国,讲师
2015/09-2018/12 西南大学,资源环境学院,农业资源与环境,博士
2012/09-2015/06 伟德国际1946源于英国,喀斯特环境与地质灾害防治教育部重点实验室,环境工程,硕士
2008/09-2012/06 曲阜师范大学,生命科学学院,环境科学,学士
3. 科研教学及学术活动
承担国家自然基金2项,省部级项目2项,人才引进基金1项,参与973项目和国家自然科学基金多项。以第一作者或通讯在《Science of the Total Environment》、《Environment pollution》、《Water research》、《Jounal of Hazardous Materials》等领域知名学术期刊上发表学术论文20余篇。担任Journal of Hazardous Materials, Journal of Environmental Sciences,Chemical Engineering Journal,Science of The Total Environment和农业资源与环境学报等期刊审稿人。
5. 近年主持承担的主要科研项目
6. 学术成果:代表性学术论文(第一作者或通讯)
Hu, J., Yang, N., He, T., Zhou, X., Yin, D., Wang, Y., & Zhou, L. (2023). Elevated methylmercury production in mercury-contaminated paddy soil resulted from the favorable dissolved organic matter variation created by algal decomposition. Environmental Pollution, 324, 121415.
Di Liu, Yan Wang, Tianrong He, Deliang Yin, et al.(2023. Elevated methylmercury production in mercury-contaminated soil and its bioaccumulation in rice: key roles of algal decomposition.Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering,17(12): 145
Zhang, W., Li, J., Qiu, H., Guo, X., Fei, Z., Xing, Y., & Yin, D. (2024). Distribution and bioavailability of mercury in size-fractioned atmospheric particles around an ultra-low emission power plant in Southwest China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 138, 141-152.
Yin, D., Zhou, X., He, T., Wu, P., & Ran, S. (2022). Remediation of Mercury-Polluted Farmland Soils: A Review. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 1-10.
Ran, S., He, T., Zhou, X., & Yin, D. (2022). Effects of fulvic acid and humic acid from different sources on Hg methylation in soil and accumulation in rice. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 119, 93-105.
Xu, Y., He, T., Wu, P., Yin, D., & Ran, S. (2021). Fulvic acid: A key factor governing mercury bioavailability in a polluted plateau wetland. Water Research, 205, 117652.
Yin, D. L.; Wang, Y. M.; Xiang, Y. P.; Xu, Q. Q.; Xie, Q.; Zhang, C.; Liu, J.; Wang, D. Y. Production and migration of methylmercury in water-level-fluctuating zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China: Dual roles of flooding-tolerant perennial herb. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2020, 381: 120962.
Yin, D. L.; Wang, Y. M.; Jiang, T.; Qin, C. Q.; Xiang, Y. P.; Chen, Q. Y.; Xue, J. P.; Wang, D. Y.,Methylmercury production in soil in the water-level-fluctuating zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China: The key role of low-molecular-weight organic acids. Environmental Pollution 2018, 235, 186-196.
Yin, D. L.; He, T. R.; Yin, R. S.; Zeng, L. X., Effects of soil properties on production and bioaccumulation of methylmercury in rice paddies at a mercury mining area, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2018, 68, 194-205.
Yin, D. L.; He, T. R.; Zeng, L. X.; Chen, J., Exploration of amendments and agronomic measures on the remediation of methylmercury-polluted rice in a mercury mining area. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 2016, 227(9).